What Moses Said About the Coming Messiah

Moses lived from 1526 BC to 1406 BC

Deuteronomy 18:15-22

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you yourselves requested of the Lord your God when you were assembled at Mount Sinai. You said, “Don’t let us hear the voice of the Lord our Go anymore or see this blazing fire, for we will die.”


Then the Lord said to me, “What they have said is right. I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally deal with anyone who will not listen to the messages the prophet proclaims on my behalf. But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in my name or who speaks in the name of another God must die.”


But you may wonder, “How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?” If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.


The last words in the books of Moses tell us:

Deuteronomy 34:10-12

There has never been another prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. The Lord sent him to perform all the miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, and all his servants, and his entire land. With mighty power, Moses performed terrifying acts in the sight of all Israel.


So What’s the Point?

The last words of the books of Moses tell us that the Lord sent mighty miracles and signs to prove Moses was sent by God to the people of Israel. In Deuteronomy 18:15-22, as Moses was addressing the children for the last time, he told them that in the future, God would send them a prophet like himself that they must listen to or face God’s wrath. So let’s examine Moses’ personal history, including the signs and wonders, and see if we can find any fellow Israeli who might compare to him.

Moses’ Messiah Conclusions

These very interesting similarities between Moses and Jesus appear to meet the criteria Moses gave the Israelis about the prophet to come after him. Unlike the various prophets sent by God to warn Jacob’s children about the coming judgments, Jesus and Moses shared these unique parallels that cannot be easily dismissed. Moses also said the Lord’s criteria for the coming prophet included miracles that would prove God sent that person. The New Testament is full of eye witness accounts of Jesus' mighty miracles, including raising the dead back to life, opening the eyes of the blind, healing the sick of diseases like leprosy, and feeding huge crowds of thousands with just a few pieces of bread and fish.



Moses Characteristics


When Moses was born, the evil king of Egypt ordered all newborn Israeli baby boys killed as soon as they were born.



Moses was adopted

into the family of the

king of Egypt.




Moses’ Hebrew mother

was paid by the royal

family to take care

of him when he was a




Moses was forced to flee

from Egypt to keep from

dying at the hand of the

Egyptian king.



God ordained Moses to his life’s

mission as Israel’s deliverer in

the desert wastelands

of Mt. Sinai.



Moses spent forty days

on Mt. Sinai without

food as he was

receiving God’s

directions for Israel.



Moses’ first miraculous sign to the Egyptians was turning the water of

the Nile into blood.



Jesus Characteristics


When Jesus was born, the Roman-appointed king of Israel, Herod, ordered

all baby boys in Bethlehem killed.



Jesus was adopted by

Joseph, a descendant of

the king of Israel --




When Jesus was born,

his mother and father were

brought gold by kings of

the East to take care of




Jesus' parents fled to

Egypt to keep him from

dying at the hand of King




God ordained Jesus to his

life’s work as Israel’s

deliverer in the desert wastelands

of Judea near Jericho.



Jesus fasted and was

tempted by the devil on the

mountain top for forty days

as he was being prepared

to be Israel’s deliverer.



Jesus' first miraculous sign to the

Israelis was turning the water into

wine at a wedding.


Moses' Plagues of Egypt

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.