Biblical Timeline compiled from the Bible's narrative starting with the Adam and ending with the death of Jacob.

Person or Event

Event or Birth Year in

Modern Calendar

Event or Birth Year

in Adamic Calendar

Death Year in

Modern Calendar

Total Years of Life

or events took

     Adam           4114 BC               1                3184 BC            930

     Seth              3984 BC             130              3072 BC            912

    Enosh            3879 BC             235              2974 BC            905

    Kenan           3789 BC             325              2879 BC            910

  Mahalaleel        3719 BC             395               2824 BC            895

      Jared             3654 BC             460               2692 BC            962

  Fallen Angels                                                                           A Possible Total Of

Invade Earth at Mt. Hermon     3654 BC             460               2458 BC          1196

     Enoch            3482 BC             622                3127 BC          365

 Methuselah        3427 BC             687              2458 BC            969

   Lamech          3240 BC             874               2463 BC            777

      Noah             3058 BC            1056              2108 BC            950

 Nephilim here       3058 BC            1056              2458 BC            600

Arpachshad       2456 BC            1658              2018 BC            438

    Shelah           2421 BC            1693              1988 BC            433

     Eber             2391 BC            1723             1927 BC            464

   Peleg             2357 BC           1757               2148 BC           239

     Reu              2327 BC            1787              2068 BC           259

   Serug            2295 BC            1819              2065 BC            230

   Nahor            2265 BC            1849              2117 BC           148

   Terah             2236 BC           1878               2031 BC           205

Abraham          2166 BC           1948               1991 BC           175

    Isaac              2066 BC            2048             1886 BC             180

 Jacob              2006 BC            2108             1859 BC            147

These were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. They were on the earth during the days of Jared and most died with the flood.

During his lifetime the world was divided by language at the Tower of Babel.

The year before Isaac was born (2067 BC) God rained down fire and brimstone on the cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah .

The Flood         2458 BC            1656                 N/A                 N/A

Person or Event

Event or Birth Year in

Modern Calendar

Event or Birth Year

in Adamic Calendar

Death Year in

Modern Calendar

Total Years of Life

or events took

Person or Event

Event or Birth Year in

Modern Calendar

Event or Birth Year

in Adamic Calendar

Death Year in

Modern Calendar

Total Years of Life

or events took

Person or Event

Event or Birth Year in

Modern Calendar

Event or Birth Year

in Adamic Calendar

Death Year in

Modern Calendar

Total Years of Life

or events took

Person or Event

Event or Birth Year in

Modern Calendar

Event or Birth Year

in Adamic Calendar

Death Year in

Modern Calendar

Total Years of Life

or events took

Person or Event

Event or Birth Year in

Modern Calendar

Event or Birth Year

in Adamic Calendar

Death Year in

Modern Calendar

Total Years of Life

or events took


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